Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Topic 2: Me in 10 years.

My first impressions of dree & co. I thought it was a very relaxing place. It was neat how they did more than just one thing. It seems like they make alot of money. It looks like they put alot of hard work into what they do. Alot of people enjoy going there. I try to encourage people to go there. They may charge alot, but it is worth it. I know that from me working it will look good on my resume.

Me in 10 years.
1. Having at least 2 kids.
2. Being married.
3. Living in gainsville or atlanta.
4. Looking like a independent woman.
5. Having a good paying job.
6. Living in a 2 story house.
7. Living in a good neighborhood.
8. Working from 8 to 5.
9. Having a good pay-check.
10. Working at a place i enjoy going to.

How do i get there.
1. Study hard
2. Go to college
3. Find the career i want
4. Go to a college in atlanta
5. Finish high school
6. Always finish my work on time
7. Get good grades
8. Always studying
9. Supporting myself
10. Always thinking of a way to be better.

1 comment:

  1. You are missing a couple of the tasks on this one. 60% so far.
