Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Topic 11 : Cell phones

I only use my phone when i have to. The survey said i have a good cell phone use.I only use mine when i am in the break room. I usually check it or use it when it is around the time i have to leave. My mom usually will text me when she is there. I don't think it is appropriate to use it when there are customers there or when there are things that need to be done. Cell phones can wait, you will have them when you leave the work place. I think too many teenagers are to addicted to there phones.

I have learned some good cell phone skills from the work place. Keep your cell phone on vibarte if you can. If your workplace allows ringtones, choose a ringtone you won't regret. You don't want to be in a meeting and you phone go off saying "all the single ladies." Try to be quiet when you are talking on the phone. Don't text and drive. There could be a accident. It is against the law.

This week i have learned about cell phone use. When i went to my workplace. I knew the proper way to use my phone. I usually leave my phone in the front with the secretary. I don't check it until it gets close to my time to leave. I've learned that to do my work first. A cell phone will always be there.

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