Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Topic 6 : Attendance and timeliness

It is important to always be on time. I have learned some tips on arriving on time. I will try to pack my lunch the night before. I will get up 20 minutes earlier. I will have my clothes out an ready for the next day. I will call ahead if i am going to be late or if i am not able to come. I try not to be absent unless it is very nessasary. I try to expect the expected. If there is traffic jams. If something spills on your clothes.
When i get up in the morning, i get my clothes together, i put my make-up on, i do my hair, and i eat. I think maybe i could eat and put my clothes on at the same time. It could be a little hard , but i could do it. My hair and make up takes the longest , maybe i could do that first. If i did it this way i would probally super early.
When things get in the way of me getting to point a. I get very mad. I think if i think of positive things like " at least im getting there." I think i wouldn't be as stressful. I know that isn't a good stress idea , but it could work. I think that even if my mom is late for picking me up i shouldn't stress.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Topic 8: Workplace safety

The ways to harm yourself at dree & co. You could spill some of the hair products and slip. You could put the wrong products in the wrong room and it could harm the customers. You could get some of the products on your skin and it could make you burn. If you don't watch the door while your cleaning you could get hit by the door. You have to let people know after you mop so that people dont fall.
From the website about safety i have learned about falling protection tips. I learned that to indenify all potential tripping and fall hazards before work starts. inspect fall protection equipment for defects before use. Select,wear, and use fall protection equipment appropraite for the task. Practice good house keeping. Keep cords out of the walkways.
I learned that if there is a fire. Immediately go either out the front or back door, depending on your location. Don't try to save anyone let the firemen do that. If there is no way to get out the doors try to find a close window. I also learned that not mess with any of open electic wires, either tell the boss or employees.
I learned from last wednesday what to do on slow days. You have to sit and wait til something needs to be done. It sometimes get fustrating because the boss always wants you to do something. If she sees you just sitting she doesn't like it. It's hard sometimes to find something to do.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Topic 3 : study skills

I choose the get to class on time and take good notes. I choose those because i need to improve on those two things. I am usually on time, but some times i am late.I feel that if i keep doing that it will become a habit. I don't that to become a negative thing on my resume. I also feel that i need to take better notes. I do take notes and write what the teacher says to write, but i feel that i need to write some of my own in my own words.

5 Ways to take better notes.
1. Review my notes before class.
2. Bring all note taking material to class.
3. Put a ? near the things i dont understand.
4. Check with other students to make sure i didnt leave out information.
5. Rewrite my notes.

5 Things for procrastination.
1. Work on tasks with a study group.
2. Find a good place to study.
3. Get help from teachers.
4. Break large tasks into small tasks.
5. Take breaks when working.

For this week from working. I have learned that the work field is real hard. You have to do alot of things you dont want to do. It is hard to find a boss to get along with and that understands you. You have to dress a certain way. Alot of things are hard at first, but after you get it they will make you do it alot. My future career advice is find something you really enjoy. If you don't you will be stuck being miserable.

Topic 11 : Cell phones

I only use my phone when i have to. The survey said i have a good cell phone use.I only use mine when i am in the break room. I usually check it or use it when it is around the time i have to leave. My mom usually will text me when she is there. I don't think it is appropriate to use it when there are customers there or when there are things that need to be done. Cell phones can wait, you will have them when you leave the work place. I think too many teenagers are to addicted to there phones.

I have learned some good cell phone skills from the work place. Keep your cell phone on vibarte if you can. If your workplace allows ringtones, choose a ringtone you won't regret. You don't want to be in a meeting and you phone go off saying "all the single ladies." Try to be quiet when you are talking on the phone. Don't text and drive. There could be a accident. It is against the law.

This week i have learned about cell phone use. When i went to my workplace. I knew the proper way to use my phone. I usually leave my phone in the front with the secretary. I don't check it until it gets close to my time to leave. I've learned that to do my work first. A cell phone will always be there.

Topic 9 :Attitude

I feel that i have a good postive attitude. Some of the workers act like they really don't want to be there. I try to be nice no matter what even if i have had a bad day. I feel that i have a sweet,nice attitude in my work place. The people that i work with tell me that i am very nice.
I feel that the attitude needs to improve more. I feel that i need to talk more to the workers and customers. I think i need to get more involved. I really enjoy working there and i try to show that when i go there. I may not get to do much, but it is still amazing to watch people get their hair cut. I like seeing how their hair will turn out.
The people there are nice to talk to. They seem like they really enjoy working there. Some of the workers there act like they don't want to be like they want to be some where else. They act like they could be doing something better.
I look forward to learning to get more involved. I have learned that you have to always be nice if not people will not want to come back to your work place. You want to treat people with luxury and you have to do anything and everything to make sure that happens.
The postive things i have learned is to treat people how you would want to be treated if you went there. The negative things i have learned is the work place is a place where you have to be grown you have to act proper. I honestly think that it would not be the career that i would choose.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Topic 2: Me in 10 years.

My first impressions of dree & co. I thought it was a very relaxing place. It was neat how they did more than just one thing. It seems like they make alot of money. It looks like they put alot of hard work into what they do. Alot of people enjoy going there. I try to encourage people to go there. They may charge alot, but it is worth it. I know that from me working it will look good on my resume.

Me in 10 years.
1. Having at least 2 kids.
2. Being married.
3. Living in gainsville or atlanta.
4. Looking like a independent woman.
5. Having a good paying job.
6. Living in a 2 story house.
7. Living in a good neighborhood.
8. Working from 8 to 5.
9. Having a good pay-check.
10. Working at a place i enjoy going to.

How do i get there.
1. Study hard
2. Go to college
3. Find the career i want
4. Go to a college in atlanta
5. Finish high school
6. Always finish my work on time
7. Get good grades
8. Always studying
9. Supporting myself
10. Always thinking of a way to be better.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Topic 1: 7 habits of a succesful student.

I believe that i need to work on how to develop good study habits. I think that i always focus on doing what they tell me to do unstead of thinking of my own ideas to help them. I am always on time and do what needs to be done immediately. I learn from their mistakes because i see how some of their attitudes are toward me and i know that i have to always have a good attitude. I try to be motivated always no matter if there is nothing to do. I try to be aware of how i present myself to others because i don't want them to think badly of me.